A VIP networking event series exclusively for Investors and Family Offices.
Jets & Capital is an exclusive event series bringing together fellow Family Offices, Investors, and High Net Worth Individuals hosted at a Private Jet Hangar. Each of our attendees undergo a strict vetting process, creating a curated room of over 85% allocators. These are private, enjoyable and productive events specifically catered for HNW peer to peer networking.
Who Is This Event For?
We carefully vet each attendee, and have a designated registration process to ensure a strict ratio of active investors. Designating attendees into 2 categories: Allocators and Fundraisers
Those Primarily Deploying Capital and Seeking Deals.
• Investors / Angels
• Family Office advisors, principals, and CIO’s
Your attendance is fully comped as a valued guest. Fill out the form for verification and to receive your custom code for free registration.
Capital Raisers (Limited)
Funds, Founders, Fundraisers, and Service Providers. Raising Capital or Seeking Clients.
Limited paid attendance options:
• Please register as a Fundraiser below
• Reach out to the attendance team to discuss options
• Inquire about available sponsorship opportunities on our Partners Page
Next Event: Jets and Capital Vegas
Jets and Capital is coming to Las Vegas in January 2025.
In a private hangar close to the strip, filled with over 500 other Investors and Family Office representatives focusing on peer to peer networking, building relationships and doing deals. Surrounded by private jets, supercars, food, drinks and a world-class atmosphere.
The event agenda will focus primarily on high-level networking and socializing, prefaced by brief presentations (host welcome, sponsor messages), followed by an extended cocktail hour with networking and entertainment for the rest of the evening.
To register, verify your designation above to receive your personal code, then click the link below. This is a strictly vetted event.
Past Events
Our team hosts exclusive events in unique venues around the country. All for investors and family offices in the “& Capital Events Series”. Previous attendees include Presidents and Presidential Candidates, Celebrities and Athletes, and over 1000 Family Offices, Investors, and UHNW guests from over 30 countries.
From The Attendees
What our guests have to say about the event
Our Team
The team behind Jets and Capital events
Jets & Capital FAQ's
The most common questions you might have: